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village Stril`che,Gorodenka`s region, Ivano-Frankivsk`s oblast. Western ukraine.

The short history.
The first mention about village Strilche is dated 1438 (princely census of population). At that time these lands of Western Ukraine were under power of Poland, but principalities were yet saved, princely laws operated in which. Actually the village existed from very old times, archaeological excavations talk about. That part of Western Ukraine was named Pokuttya. Administrative center of Pokuttya was in town Kolomyya. Pokuttya was the part of Galitsko-Volynsk`s principality, which had border with Osmans (Turkish) empire. The border in our locality passed on a line Serafyntsi – Chernyatyn – Chortovets` . it confirms circumstance that many people in these countries have the last names of the Turkish or Tatar origin. Princely cities were placed ashore Dnestr. Between itself they communicated, mainly, by river. In our locality a princely fortress was in Gorodnytsa. The system of military notification was developed well. A nearby city Gorodenka was just on a border with the Osman`s empire. Stril'che is between them. Signals between Gorodnytsa and Gorodenka was passed through watchtowers on the line of Mohylki (Gorodnytsya) - Meney (Strilche) - Strazhnytsya (Strilche). The 2 watchtowers served princely combatants. Theу had The way from Gorodnytsya to Gorodenka passed through Gorodnytsky and Striletski Meadows, through Selyshche (the main part of village Strilche), Yantsi, Kotykivka . In present time the village Strilche has the few parts: Selyshche, Yantsi, Solonets, Zalevady, Plyaskivka, Tsymbalivka, Colonia, Vovki, Lug, Derenivka.

Power consisted of 40 deputies which was elected the tails of habitants. They decided all rural businesses, disposed of pastures, public land, forest, looked after the good condition of roads and bridges. Every grown man habitant had to work on social works the 6 days in a year. In a village there was a fire brigade which had water equipment on equestrian wagons for extinguishing of fires. For thieves there was small prison in a village. A corvee was liquidated in 1848. In honour this event a large memorable cross was erected. In the anniversary of liquidation of corvee near this cross a priest served prayer service. An office and school were built in a village during an austrian rule.

House of washable.
In a village at one timelived the man Moshora, Armenian by nationality. He was a silk-stock and had the economy, and also was rural a head. He decided to do kind business for society and built a house for a washable, that women at any time years could wash clothes not under open-skies, but in comfort conditions. This house exists and functions until now. The water flows from springs to house, this water is extraordinarily delicious.

Newest history
Stril'che in 1939 as well as all Western Ukraina was occupated by a soviet army. Poland was raided. From 1939 to 1941 Western Ukraine was in USSR, in the period of 1941 - 1944 it was occupated by German, from 1944 to 1991 year again in USSR, after 1991 - in independent Ukraine.